Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Roll up! Roll up!

 What in the world am I going to do with all of this hand-dyed yarn?

If you say knit with it, I shall take actions that are beyond me to name, but that will leave you in severe pain and dismemberment.

OK, yarn, I'm waiting.  Tell me what to do with you!

Ginger Bear:  You've had me the longest!  Don't you think you should make something beautiful with me first?

Me:  Shut up, you!  That's why I can't decide! Besides, I keep you as a memory of the time when Daniel actually remembered I was alive.

Cascade Yarns:  If you use us first, we won't tell anyone that we were a gift from someone who received a giveaway prize but couldn't use us because we're 100% wool.

Me:  Shut up, Cascade!  I'm not afeared of you!

Traveler, MaryJaneKnits, Marigoljen: You only have us because of that lovely man at the retreat who was de-stashing and donating sales proceeds toward the retreat scholarship fund.

Me:  That is true. But you are one hank each. You haven't yet suggested a design. Hit me.

Simple Pleasures Yarns:  We were the most expensive in your collection, and you have 500 yards of us! And we're a solid color! It's about time you did something!

Me:  I can't deny it.  What do you want to be?

Simple Pleasures Yarns:  I dunno......

Blue Ply Alpaca:  You have 1090 yards of us, and you won us in a giveaway. We are a solid color, too, and we were completely free!

Me:  You're still not giving me ideas. At least not ideas that involve a crochet hook. A fire pit, maybe.....

Undiscernible concerted voices:  Shawls!  Make more shawls!  

**heavy sigh**  I was afraid of that.  

Well, actually, I do like making shawls.  Stay tuned.  

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