Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Voices in my Head

The voices in my head:  What have you accomplished, loser?

Me:  Um, I finished The Sweater That Would Not Die.  And I made another totally new sweater.  And a shawl/wrap thingy.  And a cowl. And I'm making dog sweaters to donate, and I've started next year's Hat Not Hate project. Oh, and I also updated a hat pattern.

TVimH:  Feh!  You think that's enough?

Me:  Well, yeah!  Who the heck are you to question my accomplishments?

TVimH:  What about the charity pattern collection?  What about the numeric goal you had for published patterns? What about the new merch on TeeSpring you wanted to add?  What about....?  What about...?

Me:  SHUT UP!  You listen to me, voices from my past!  I am doing what I can, as best I can, with the resources and limitations I have.  Every time you throw one of those questions at me, I ask myself who said those words first, because it sure as heck wasn't me! It has taken me years to learn that, to own that, and to try to remember it consistently.  You might occasionally win the day, but as God is my witness, you will not win this war!

Recent stuff.  Forgive me for not doing more formatting.