Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Support your favorite content creators

I am semi-retired. That means the thought that I could get another corporate job like I had before is ludicrous (plus it also makes me want to die), and I couldn't physically do the kind of lower-level jobs I now qualify for. I am waiting to hear about a Disability claim, but not holding my breath. In the meantime, crochet and social media are both an avocation and an occupation that has potential to bring income. It is one of several activities that have potential to bring in income. Toward that end, I would like to make the following points known.

If you are reading my blog, I assume there is a level of good will concerning my activities and efforts. Based on an excellent live stream video from J.Hook Crochet, a fellow YouTube content creator whom I highly recommend, I have the following suggestions:

  • If you like a post in this blog or any of my blogs, comment at the blog, not the Facebook post where I linked the blog.
  • If you like a post in this blog or any of my blogs, share it. I don't have Pinterest or TikTok, but I certainly don't object if those who do have them link me or talk about me there. If a particular post moves you, talk about it freely everywhere. 
  • If you have a way to follow this blog or any social media outlet where I have presence, then subscribe and designate notifications for all new posts.
  • In blogs, on YouTube, on Instagram--comments are gold. Since Google controls the whole world, and knows the connection between my three blogs, my two Instagram pages, my two Facebook business pages (plus a dormant one I'm considering resurrecting), and my individual Facebook ID, what I had for breakfast, and what I might have for dinner two weeks hence, commenting to one helps all.
  • I know YouTube is already playing ads on my videos, even though I don't yet qualify to receive any  benefit from them. Regardless, if you play the ad through, eventually I as content creator will benefit and the evil advertiser will pay more. Always remember that:  if you play the ad all the way through, the evil advertiser pays more. And remember that on TV we would always use commercials as time for a bio-break or to refill a beverage. (For the record, the advertisements you see are based on your browsing history and interests, and I have absolutely no control over them.)
  • All comments are welcome. On the other hand, if you wish to bring to my attention a technical issue with my A/V setup, usually the issue will not have escaped my notice. I am learning a lot of new things in this content creator journey. But do comment. I promise not to post a snarky reply. Well, I'll try to resist.....
  • The media outlets evaluate how much time people spend with your videos. That is why content creators are always asking you to watch to the end. I ask you to do the same. Am I so annoying that you don't have a few more minutes to help me out?
  • Please. Watch freely. Enjoy all the content creators you enjoy. Whatever you can fit into your life--and I know some people have more time for social media than others. But watch freely. It doesn't even matter if you're paying attention! (But don't tell our Google Overlords that I said that! I will deny it to my dying byte! Or not.)
  • If you follow a content creator who sells stuff, consider buying stuff. Some yarn content creators sell finished objects. I sell patterns and merch. If you're struggling to feed your family don't buy my stuff, or anyone else's. If you have a few extra shekels, give it some thought. 

Just a few thoughts. I welcome your opinions.

The video I reference:

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